What’s On Event Calendar

We look forward to welcoming back Reid Anderson to Warren Park who will be returning fresh from his recent performance of John Lennon. Reid will be performing with his ukulele in the conservatory from 13:30.


Caroline will be offering Residents One to One time today including iPad lessons and hand massages/nail care.

Caroline will be offering Resident One to Ones alongside iPad lessons.

Caroline will be offering Residents One to One time today including iPad lessons and hand massages/nail care.

We are pleased to confirm that singer Chris Dale will be back with us on Thursday, performing live from 13:30.

Join us from 13:30 today when Caroline will be holding a craft session from 13:30 in the conservatory.

As we are also due to have our primary visit, the children from Ursuline will be joining in the session.

Caroline will be offering Residents One to One time today including iPad lessons and hand massages/nail care.

Caroline will be offering Resident One to Ones alongside iPad lessons.

Caroline will be offering a gentle exercise and memory session from 13:30 in the conservatory.

Caroline will be offering Residents One to One time today including iPad lessons and hand massages/nail care.

Join us from 13:30 today when Caroline will be holding a craft session from 13:30 in the conservatory.

As we are also due to have our primary visit, the children from Ursuline will be joining in the session.

This Saturday we will be celebrating the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

The day will start from 10:00 and as well as serving tasty treats all day, we will be having a tasty buffet lunch.

The dress code for the day is red, white and blue and throughout the day there will be quizzes and games to enjoy as well as a prize for best dressed Resident.

In the afternoon those who may want to watch the FA Cup Final may do so as we will set up the tv and seating in the first floor lounge.

For tea we will be serving a chip shop tea of Fish, Chips and Mushy Peas followed by Manchester Tart and Chelsea Buns for dessert.

We hope that everybody enjoys the weekend.

Caroline will be offering Residents One to One time today including iPad lessons and hand massages/nail care.

We have singer Ken Eddy returning to Warren Park to entertain us from 13:30 in the conservatory.

Caroline will be offering Residents One to One time today including iPad lessons and hand massages/nail care.







We are pleased to confirm that Steve Allday will be visiting us today with his small animals display.

Steve will be with us from 13:30 in the conservatory.

Caroline will be offering Residents One to One time today including iPad lessons and hand massages/nail care.

World Museum
World Museum, William Brown Street, Liverpool, L3 8EN

We will be taking a small group of Residents to the World Museum in Liverpool to see the Terracotta Warriors Exhibition. For further information please speak to Caroline.

Details of Exhibition

For over 2,000 years, an underground army of life-sized terracotta warriors secretly guarded the tomb of China’s First Emperor, Qin Shi Huang, until a chance discovery in 1974 unlocked the mysteries of a vanished empire.





Showcasing objects from one of the world’s greatest archaeological discoveries, this unmissable exhibition spans almost 1,000 years of Chinese history; from the conflicts and chaos of the Warring States period, to the achievements and legacy of the Qin and Han dynasties.

The exhibition will include a number of objects that have never been on show in the UK before including material from museums and institutes from across Shaanxi Province, excavated over the last 40 years from the Imperial Mausoleum and selected tombs. These spectacular artefacts will shed light on the Emperor’s pursuit of immortality and show how he prepared for the afterlife, as well as help us to understand more about everyday life in China more than two thousand years ago.

This exhibition was organised by National Museums Liverpool, United Kingdom and the Shaanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau and Shaanxi History Museum (Shaanxi Cultural Heritage Promotion Centre), People’s Republic of China.

This exhibition will be a major part of Liverpool’s 2018 celebrations and the city will be embracing its Far East links during the exhibition’s run, with a special China Dream season.

Caroline will be offering Residents One to One time today including iPad lessons and hand massages/nail care.

We are pleased to have Vicky from the Alzheimers Society visiting us once again with their Musical Memories show.

This will be from 13:30 in the conservatory.

For any further information please speak to Caroline.

Caroline will be offering Resident One to Ones alongside iPad lessons.





At Warren Park we believe in promoting mental health awareness and in recognition of this, we have dedicated the month of May to a month long promotion.

This will include the social activities being themed during the month, as well as particular events focusing on mental health awareness. One such event, is a free workshop we are hosting to highlight mental health awareness which residents, family and friends are welcome to come along to.

The workshop will be from 13:30 on Wednesday 30th May 2018 in the conservatory.

For further information please see Caroline or Margaret.

Further information on mental health awareness can be found in the link provided below.